
Building a better Blub

Monte is a nascent dynamic programming language reminiscent of Python and E. It is based upon The Principle of Least Authority (POLA), which governs interactions between objects, and a capability-based object model, which grants certain essential safety guarantees to all objects.

Here's what Monte looks like:

def x :Int := 5 + 7
traceln(`x = $x`)
def isEven(i :Int) :Bool:
    return i % 2 == 0
var wondrous :Int := 27
while (wondrous != 1):
    traceln(`wondrous = $wondrous`)
    wondrous := if (isEven(wondrous)) {wondrous // 2} else {wondrous * 3 + 1}
def greeting :Str := "This string is in Monte (/ˈmɔːntiː/)"
def `This @thing is in @{language :Str}` := greeting
[thing, language]

Monte is designed for agoric systems, promotes secure distributed computation, and is focused on readability and clarity.

Monte's design incorporates:

Guard-based Type System
Values are typed according to guards, which are objects that describe the behavior of values.
Readable & Auditable Syntax
Python-inspired syntax includes customizeable pattern matching and object literals, while semantic features like static lexical scoping and left-to-right evaluation aid code review.
Builtin Concurrency
First-class promises and syntax for eventual message passing facilitate a natural and simple set of idioms for highly concurrent systems.

Additional boons of Monte include:

Introduction to Monte
Monte documentation: guide, reference


We're on Freenode in #monte.